Monday, October 19, 2015

Monumento Week 15


Quote of the week, "No venimos a la tierra para descansar y dormir."
We didn´t come to Earth to rest and sleep" -Presidente Barreiros

Well we had a great week!! I am so excited after hearing so many inspiring and uplifting talks. I know that these men are called of God, with imperfections sure, but they have His authority to direct the church. Unfortunately the 7 investigators who were going to attend had car problems, sicknesses, and an old lady that had to be taken care of for the weekend. I was really frustrated, but I know that it just means that they are so close to finding the truth! 

It will be hard to summarize my 15 pages of notes in a short email, so maybe I´ll just share one theme that I loved. I made a list of questions before the conference, all of which were thoroughly answered! My first question was "How can I better learn to recognize and heed the Spirit?" question was definitely answered! I cannot believe how well Presidente Eyring explained it! I loved his talk and how he explained that we have a right to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, not just in spurts. I also loved Elder Christofferson´s talk as I felt it was directed to every Chilean I have ever met who refused to listen to us haha.

I realize now that I am incapable of drafting a coherent summary. Sorry. I want to bear my testimony that I know that this is the Lord´s church. I know that He directs it and that if we do not live the simple truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ we will never be happy. I love you all and hope to have more time next week!


Elder Harries

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